Farm Meat
Farm-Raised Beef,
Pork, and Poultry
We sell beef raised here on the farm, pork, and lamb sourced within New England by our butcher shop and poultry from Misty Knoll Farms, a family farm in New Haven, Vermont. Our cows are NEVER fed antibiotics or hormones, nor are the chickens we sell.
Beef Sides Call for details
It's been a long time since we have been able to offer sides of beef! Get in on this limited offer before we sell out. Stock your freezer with farm raised beef or share with friends.
Give us a call to reserve. $500 deposit required.
What We Offer
steaks, hamburger, roasts, stew meat
bacon, bulk and link Sweet Italian, Hot Italian and breakfast sausage, chops, roasts, ham steaks, ribs, and ground pork
boneless breasts, thighs, whole chickens, drumsticks, legs, and wings.
breasts, cutlets, ground turkey, and whole turkeys (for Thanksgiving)
About Our Beef
Our cows are an important part of our farm. We're in the barn or out in the pasture with them multiple times a day. We raise them humanely and with the utmost care, to ensure their well-being and the quality of the meat we sell.
The beef we sell is Angus and Angus crosses bred by us and raised here on the farm. The cows are mainly grass-fed, grazing on fresh grass in season, baled haylage, and dry hay that we grow. In the non-grazing season and cold winter months, they are fed the baled hay as well as corn silage that we raise (non-GMO). We supplement our cows' diet with spent brewer's grain from Moat Mountain Brewery and Saco River Brewing, a mixture of barley, hops, and rye. Working together with Moat and Saco River helps us both meet our goals for sustainability.

In winter, our cows live in a large airy barn where feed and water are available at all times, and where they can roam freely and sleep on bed packs. From spring through fall, the cows are pastured on 25 acres of lush green grass.
Our beef is processed throughout the year at the Windham Butcher Shop in Windham, Maine, a USDA-inspected meat processing facility. Our beef is dry-aged, a process where the carcass hangs in a cooler for a minimum of 14 days which allows the flavor to develop. The meat is then cut to our specifications and packaged in cryovac vacuum-sealed plastic packaging with all the oxygen removed. Since no oxygen is in the package, the product keeps for a year or more without freeze-drying. Proper aging and minimal processing make for optimum flavor.
This process also sets our meat apart from meat at the large grocery chains where the beef is processed, packaged, and on a truck on the same day.
About The Pork
Pork is sourced within New England from family farms by Windham Butcher Shop in Windham, Maine. We only purchase the highest quality pork and our butcher shop understands the standards we require. Pork does not need to age like beef and is cut and packaged for us immediately. Smoked cuts have minimal amounts of nitrites and are smoked for several weeks.

About The Poultry
A family farm with values in keeping with ours, Misty Knoll Farms raise their birds with the utmost care, feeding them whole grain, free of antibiotics and animal by-products. Their chickens range free in spacious, specially designed enclosures. Their turkeys, when old enough to withstand Vermont’s cool nights, are sheltered in open barns with free range access to lush pasture, sunlight, and fresh water. They process their poultry on-site in their own USDA-inspected facility. The result: flavorful poultry with no fillers or water added.